How are driving scores calculated and what do they mean?

The ABAX unit in each vehicle uses extensively tested algorithms and robust set of parameters to detect driving behaviour events for each of the 5 key driving behaviour factors. Rapid acceleration, harsh braking and sharp cornering are measured using an accelerometer inside the unit that measures g-force. Idling is measured using a combination of a motion-sensor and GPS.

A score from 81-100 indicates consistent, good driving behvaiour. Their driving style is setting the benchmark for green, safe, economical driving and maintaining vehicle health. We recommend you reward this driver.


A score from 41-80 indicates occasional poor driving behaviour. Their driving style is often green, safe, economical and helps to maintain vehicle health. They could improve by being more consistent. We recommend you encourage the driver to use the Driving Analyser in the Driver app.


A score from 0-40 indicates consistently poor driving behaviour. Improving their driving style will significantly affect vehicle-related costs, your environmental impact, safety and your company image. This score may also be an indicator of aggressive or unsafe driving which has a higher likelihood of an incident and increasing your insurance premiums and increasing your insurance premiums. We recommend you coach this driver and ensure they are using the Driving Analyser in the Driver app