Driving score overview

The ‘Driving’ menu is only visible if your company uses the Driving Behaviour service. It gives you an overview of your driving style across 5 driving behaviour metrics – acceleration, braking, left cornering, right cornering and idling. These individual metrics are averaged to give you your total driving score.  

ABAX Driver App Driving Score

For more information, see ‘How are driving scores calculated and what do they mean?’ 

Link to: https://www.abax.com/uk/kb/user-guides/db#How-are-driving-scores-calculated-and-what-do-they-mean and ‘How do driving scores relate to fleet costs and safety? Link https://www.abax.com/uk/kb/user-guides/db#How-do-driving-scores-relate-to-fleet-costs-and-safety 


  • Open the ‘Driving’ menu in the Driver app. 
  • Each driving metric is scored out of 100, with 0 being the lowest. 
  • Your company may set their own internal guidelines, but any score of 80+ is considered a benchmark. 
    ABAX Driver App Driving Tips
  • Click on any of the metrics for tips on how to improve. These tips are specific to you and your driving score – so following them will help improve your score!