How do driving scores relate to fleet costs and safety?

Driving Factor 0-40 41-80 81-100


Significantly increase fuel and servicing costs. May also be an indicator of aggressive or unsafe driving which has a higher likelihood of an incident and increased insurance premiums.

Slightly increased fuel and servicing costs.

Benchmark for green, economical driving and maintaining vehicle health.


Significantly increased servicing costs. May also be an indicator of late-braking or unsafe driving which has a higher likelihood of an incident and increased insurance premiums.

Slightly increased servicing costs

Benchmark for safe driving and maintaining vehicle health.


Significantly increased servicing costs. May also be an indicator of aggressive or unsafe driving which has a higher likelihood of an incident and increased insurance premiums.

Slightly increased servicing costs.

Benchmark for safe driving and maintaining vehicle health.


Significantly increased fuel costs and CO2 emissions. Extensive idling may also significantly increase servicing costs.

Slightly increased fuel costs and CO2 emissions.

Benchmark for green, economical driving and maintaining vehicle health.